How to Inspire your Child to Write
How to Inspire your Child to Write
It is never a good idea to force your kids into writing practice or scold them for not being able to write as nicely as others. But it’s always a good idea to try and inspire them.
There are many webpages which will give you tips, tutorials, and toolkits for improving handwriting. That is not what we are going to do. We think it’s a better idea if you encourage your children, Inspire them, let them know the difference a better handwriting would create, and make them want to improve.
Here are five ways to inspire your little one to write, and have a beautiful handwriting.
1. Write in front of them, enjoy it to the fullest.
Kids learn more from you than you could ever imagine. If they see you are enjoying an activity, they would be inclined to try it for themselves. So, what are you waiting for, write in front of them. If you know calligraphy, even better. If you don’t this is a great time to try it. The more artistic you make this activity seem, the more fun it will appear to kids and they would definitely want it to try it themselves.
Here is an example, this is how a 4-year-old was able to write after watching her mom trying her new calligraphy brush markers.
2. Play their Favourite Songs.
In general, a combination of music can make even the most monotonous activity tolerable. So if your child finds it difficult to concentrate and/or find practicing alphabets a boring chore, spice it up by promising him to play his favorite Songs when he sits to write. Guess what, you will have to keep the promise, even if you find the song intolerable.
3. Show them some beautifully written words.
In case if you do not have a great handwriting, don’t be discouraged. You can still be the facilitator if not their mentor directly. Inspire them by showing beautifully written words, pictures of calligraphic art etc. All your oohs and aahs and excitement on seeing gorgeous artistic words will definitely pull the right strings. Our approval holds a special place in their lives, they would want to get all the praise for themselves and will put in their best efforts.
4. Share some “Good Handwriting” and “Bad Handwriting” Stories.
Whether you have a little angel still learning to write, or you have a grown up child struggling because of incorrect or untidy formation of letters, this trick would work like a charm, if you are careful with your mode of implementation.
How preachy you want to make it will depend on your child and you. Share your own story involving a funny incidence where you were misunderstood because of clumsy handwriting, or someone else’s, or make up a silly and funny fictional piece which gives a clear message - a beautiful handwriting is great to have, but a legible handwriting is an absolute must.
Here is an example from our Storyteller Section:
5. Look for alternative, better ways to Practice.
No matter how much you try, work will still be work. It would eventually get boring and monotonous. Invent different ways which will make handwriting practice a fun filled activity and remove this gloomy label of work. We have listed a few ways here, but of course, be creative, discover what you child enjoys, and don’t forget to share with us.
- Play games which involve writing. Team up, so that your kid doesn’t have to write all the time, but still, has to contribute with a few words.
- Involve your little one and create a birthday or anniversary card. Make sure your little partner gets to write the wish.
- Encourage your child to keep a scrapbook, with pictures, and of course some succinct words too. The topic should be something which your kid is passionate about. Animals, Nature, or cartoon characters, anything is fine as long as it is appealing to the adorable Scrapbook Owner.
- Letter writing is a long lost form of conversation, but a mock resurrection can be very helpful. Fix days of weeks where different family members will have to write to each other. Drop them in and let them be collected from fake letterboxes. Who knows, you will be creating beautiful memories to cherish.
- Messaging is addictive, and kids find it fascinating. Many five-year-olds insist to send texts to their parents at office, or grandparents. If your child loves to text too, ask him/her to get the text in writing first. Not always may be, but most of the times, and tell him/her that the messaging would only be allowed if the written message is neat and legible. If they write, it will be great practice, if they don’t, or write less, good for them, it will reduce their screen-time.
Along with these, make sure your child has all the required tools in the repertoire at all times. Sharpened Pencils which are extra dark - so the child doesn’t have to pressurise a lot, Good Quality erasers, Notebooks with smooth papers and Sharpeners (only if they are old enough to use them safely)
So all in all, it is time for you to Enjoy the art of writing once again, like many other things which we experience for a second time from our kids perspective, not replacing old memories but creating new ones to compliment them. Keep learning, keep growing.
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